ARTIST Isabella Goio

The Journey into the ultraviolet represents, in Isabella’s creations, a spiritual quest, an approach to the invisible.

Isabella Goio was born in Trieste where she graduated in Educational Sciences and works as an artist and bodypainter.
This particular career was born 10 years ago and with love and passion Isabella has developed and evolved her technique over time in the field, painting the faces of thousands of children and adults through the facepainting technique.

Since she was a teenager, she felt a strong spiritual impulse which has led her to attend Ashrams (spiritual communities) and to extensive travels in India and Sri Lanka which finally led her to approach Shamanism, Amazonia and the passion for plants.

During a shamanic ritual Isabella had a vision of a group of naked women painted with tribal symbols dancing around a fire.
This Vision led Isabella to evolve her facepainting (drawing on the face) into Bodypainting art (drawing on the whole body).

Since 2020 she has been using the art of bodypainting to create suggestive performances that bring us back to the world of dreams. With this discipline she established herself in Italy by winning the second prize at the Italian Bodypainting Festival and abroad in dedicated festivals where she performs accompanied by tribal music (Own Spirit Festival, Wao Festival, Three Sound Festival).

In 2022 in the Galleria Rettori Tribbio in Trieste she inaugurated her first personal exhibition “The spirituality of the body through bodypainting” where she exhibited 22 photographic works printed on life-size canvas that immortalize her bodypainting works, subsequently elaborated by her with fluorescent acrylic.

In 2023 in the Duchi D’Aosta hotel in Trieste she inaugurated, with a live performance, her second solo exhibition “Visioni di Luce”.

Isabella starts from a symbolic language that puts the woman’s body at the center of her artistic research. The painted body, in this dimension, despite being naked, loses its purely sexual connotation and takes the form of a being of Light. Research on Light is a fundamental aspect for understanding the profound meaning of her works. The colours she uses the most are, in fact, particular pigments for the skin which react to ultraviolet rays and which therefore appear to be fluorescent to the eye.

The Journey into the ultraviolet represents, in Isabella’s creations, a spiritual quest, an approach to the invisible. The naked eye, in the visible spectrum, is capable of perceiving color in the wavelength band that goes from infrared to ultraviolet. Metaphorically speaking, Isabella attributes the Body to the infrared, while the Spirit to the ultraviolet and everything we can see to the Mind. So ultraviolet, violet light, represents the invisible world, the unknown, which we don’t see but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Purple is the color associated with spirituality.


Isabella Goio nasce a Trieste dove si laurea in Scienze dell’Educazione e lavora come artista e bodypainter.
Questa particolare carriera nasce 10 anni fa, con amore e passione Isabella ha sviluppato ed evoluto la sua tecnca nel tempo sul campo, pitturando i visi di migliaia di bambini e adulti attraverso la tecnica del Facepainting .

Parallelamente a queste esperienze, fin da adolescente, ha sentito una forte spinta spirituale che l’ha portata  alla frequentazione di Ashram (comunità spirituali) e a grandi viaggi in India e in Sri Lanka che l’hanno avvicinata allo Sciamanismo, all’Amazzonia e alla passione per le piante. Durante un rituale sciamanico Isabella ebbe la Visione di un gruppo di donne nude dipinte con simbologie tribali che danzavano attorno ad un fuoco.
Questa Visione ha portato Isabella ad evolvere il facepainting (disegno sul viso) in Bodypainting (disegno su tutto il corpo).

Dal 2020  utilizza l’arte del bodypainting  per creare performance suggestive che riportano al mondo dell’onirico. Con questa disciplina si afferma in Italia vincendo il secondo premio all’Italian Bodypainting Festival e all’estero in Festival dedicati dove si esibisce accompagnata da musiche tribali (Own Spirit Festival, Wao Festival, Three Sound Festival).

Nel 2022 nella Galleria Rettori Tribbio a Trieste inaugura la sua prima mostra personale “La spiritualità del corpo attraverso il bodypainting” dove espone 22 opere fotografiche stampate su tela a grandezza naturale che immortalano i suoi lavori di bodypainting  e successivamente da lei elaborate con acrilico fluorescente.

Nel 2023 nell’hotel Duchi D’Aosta a Trieste inaugura, con una performance dal vivo, la sua seconda personale “Visioni di Luce”.

Isabella parte da un linguaggio simbolico e mette il corpo della donna al centro della sua ricerca artistica. Il corpo dipinto, in questa dimensione, pur essendo nudo, perde la sua connotazione puramente sessuale e prende la forma di un essere di Luce. La ricerca sulla Luce è un aspetto fondamentale per comprendere il significato profondo delle sue opere. I colori che utilizza maggiormente sono, infatti, particolari pigmenti per la pelle che reagiscono ai raggi ultravioletti e che quindi risultano fluorescenti alla vista.

Il Viaggio nell’ultravioletto rappresenta, nelle creazioni di Isabella, una ricerca  spirituale, un avvicinarsi all’invisibile. L’occhio nudo, nello spettro del visibile è capace di percepire il colore nella banda di lunghezza d’onda che va dall’infrarosso all’ultravioletto. Isabella, metaforicamente parlando, attribuisce all’infrarosso il corpo, mentre all’ultravioletto lo spirito e tutto ciò che invece riusciamo a vedere, alla mente. Quindi l’ultravioletto, la luce viola, rappresenta il mondo invisibile, lo sconosciuto, che non vediamo ma non per questo non esiste. Il Viola è il colore associato alla spiritualità.

Isabella Goio participates to Port Art Women, with three Projects :

Isabella offers a live visionary performance, where the dancer painted with bodypainting technique dances to tribal music in which she participates by playing the shamanic drum

Fluorescent experiential projects where the couple experiences themselves through bodypainting. Color becomes a cure through which the couple rediscovers each other by embellishing each other’s bodies. This project takes two forms

Experiential project for women. Bodypainting is used as a means of strengthening self-esteem, courage and self-love. The naked body completely painted fluorescent loses the imperfections of the body and is transformed into a being of light.

    Isabella offers a live visionary performance, where the dancer painted with bodypainting technique dances to tribal music in which she participates by playing the shamanic drum

Fluorescent experiential projects where the couple experiences themselves through bodypainting. Color becomes a cure through which the couple rediscovers each other by embellishing each other’s bodies. This project takes two forms

Experiential project for women. Bodypainting is used as a means of strengthening self-esteem, courage and self-love. The naked body completely painted fluorescent loses the imperfections of the body and is transformed into a being of light.

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