Tag: #sketchingindia

Sketching India Vol. 2

Take part with your art in the Dolce India festival to interpret the world of yoga and Ayurveda. Partecipa a Dolce India con la tua arte per interpretare il mondo dello yoga e dell’ayurveda.
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1st Classified: “Rebirth” by Alessandra Rossi

Enthusiastic and interested in deepening, driven by craving, with an incessant desire to submerge herself in her inner artistic stream in an engaging way, in the last ten years she has continuously dedicated herself to studies, laboratories, private lessons with painters and masters of art. She has held solo and collective exhibitions. “Rebirth” – Charcoal mixed techniqueAlessandra wants to express […]
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2nd Classified: “Essentia” by Manuela De Stefani

Manuela De Stefani started her artistic career in the ‘90’s by attending the studio ofPaolo Cervi Kervisher in Trieste, Italy: this consisted in many hours of drawing, mainlystill life and nudes. From that moment onwards art has always accompanied her, she isa firm believer in it’s therapeutic value. Manuela describes this as: “the joy Iexperience while I work on my […]
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3rd Classified: “Blooming” by Claudia Montedoro

Sketch by Claudia Montedoro Claudia is an Italian architect, born and raised in Palermo, Sicily, who lives and works inMadrid, Spain. “When I am not busy with “architecture stuff”, I like to draw and paint.My favourite materials for my illustrations are gouache, watercolours, colouredpencils and watercolour crayons.”. The Jury said: “It’s a delicate little illustrated sketchbeauty. It gives us feminine […]
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“Unica Via”

Digital Sketch by Carmen Tosto Carmen Tosto is director of the course for Technicians in yurveda “Ayurvedic Point” Milan http://www.ayurvedicpoint.it “One Way” represents the possibility that we have to live in harmony balancing the opposites in theacceptance of reality, as the Indian world teaches us where the male principle cannot exist without the female one. Carmen Tosto è direttrice del […]
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“Eterno femminino”

Sketch by Cinzia Platania Cinzia Platania è una artista maestra nell​e arti della grafica e della fotografia ed arteterapeuta italiana.Acrilico su tela stesa su tavoletta.  www.inquadratura-oltre.com Cinzia Platania is a master artist in graphics, photography and an Italian art therapist.Acrylic on canvas board.  www.inquadratura-oltre.com
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